Voting FAQs
Voting FAQs
How can I be sure I'm registered to vote?
You can confirm your registration by logging into your personalized Voter Power page on the Lake County Clerk's website with your name (first and last), house number, zip code, and date of birth. If you are not registered, find out how and where to register here.What voting options do I have?
Voters have three options available to them: Vote by Mail, early in-person voting, and in-person voting on Election Day.
Vote by Mail
How does Vote by Mail work?
You can request a ballot online by logging in to Voter Power and following the instructions. All ballot requests must be received in the Lake County Clerk's office by 5:00 pm on March 30, 2023.I haven’t mailed my ballot back yet and I’m not sure it will arrive in time. What can I do?
Ballot drop boxes should be placed at all Early Voting locations. From about March 22 through April 3, you should simply be able to go to any Early Voting site (such as Lake Forest City Hall) and drop it in the box.Can I change my mind and vote in person, even after I request a ballot?
Yes, but bring your sealed Vote by Mail ballot with you to your polling place on Election Day. You will be asked to turn it in to the Election Judges before you can vote in person.I threw away my mail-in ballot after I decided to vote in person! What can I do?
You can still vote in person on Election Day! Explain what happened to the Election Judge, and you will be given an affidavit to sign. Then you can vote as usual.
In-Person Early Voting
When and where can I vote early?
The “Where Do I Vote?” feature on your personalized Lake County Voter Power page lists the hours of the early voting site nearest you. However, you may use any Lake County early voting site regardless of where you live in the county.
Election Day Voting
When is Election Day, and where do I vote?
Election Day is Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Polls are open from 6 am to 7 pm.
Use your assigned neighborhood voting site serving your address—find it at Lake County Voter Power.