Frequently Asked Questions

Will Randy disband the Historic Preservation Commission?
No. Randy has great respect for the work of ALL of Lake Forest’s Boards and Commissions, and will energetically support them as Mayor. The Mayor does not have the authority to make unilateral changes to the structure of Boards and Commissions, and Mayor Tack will not disband the Historic Preservation Commission as has been falsely alleged.
Does Randy have a development agenda?
No. He supports responsible development and redevelopment in Lake Forest that will enhance the quality of life and add to the economic and social vitality of our community. The Mayor does not have the authority to control development activity in Lake Forest. That is governed by our Zoning Code, which can only be changed via recommendations from the Plan Commission that are publicly debated and approved by the entire City Council. He cannot and will not allow development to “run-rampant,” and has no ties to local developers or real estate interests, as has been falsely alleged.
Does Randy work collaboratively?
Absolutely. Yes. Randy has worked productively with literally thousands of people during his many professional, public and not-for-profit roles. He has consistently been chosen to be a leader by his professional associates, peers and neighbors. Claims that he is “arrogant” or “dismissive” have been made by certain interests with whom he has disagreed, as successful leaders sometimes must. These claims are clearly belied by his extensive track record of effective leadership.
Was Randy a “supporter of the car wash” on the West Side?
No. He was not on the City Council when the West Side car wash was voted on. He was not a “supporter of the carwash” as has been falsely alleged.
Did Randy support the “third rail?”
No. Neither he nor the City supported the “third rail.” He was an advocate against wasting taxpayer money on lobbying that was not necessary and supported engagement with federal government officials to protect Lake Forest’s interests. More detail here.