Current Fourth Ward Alderman Eileen Looby Weber supports Dr. Tack for Mayor. Hear her thoughts about why he is the best candidate for mayor.
Randy answers a variety of questions about his experience, qualifications and how he would approach being Mayor of Lake Forest.
Mayor Lansing reads a Resolution of Appreciation for Dr. Tack’s service to Lake Forest residents while serving on City Council.
Former City Council member Michelle Moreno thanks Randy.
Current City Council member Melanie Rummel compliments Dr. Tack.
Lake Forest residents including former City Council member Michelle Moreno talk about how Randy engages with everyone in the community.
Kurtistine "Kurt" & Aniya Stackhouse. Kurt worked with Randy for 29 years. Here's what she has to say featuring her daughter Aniya.
Lake Forest residents including former Mayor Robert Lansing and his wife Kitty share their thoughts on why Randy’s experience differentiates him as the most qualified candidate for Mayor.
Randy provides insight on his candidacy and the critical role the Caucus serves in Lake Forest municipal government.
Alderman Cathy Waldeck talks in length about her experience on City Council and working with Randy Tack.