Mayor Pandaleon supports Dr. Tack
If you love our Lake Forest way of life, please support the Lake Forest Caucus system and vote for Randy Tack to succeed me as Mayor.
George Pandaleon
It has been a great duty and honor to serve you as Mayor for these past four years. Thank you so much for your confidence and support through it all.
The Lake Forest Caucus Committee is a foundational institution in our small town. It includes 43 of our neighbors, who we voters elect by ward every year to serve a short, three-year term and represent us. This non-partisan eighty-eight year-old institution is perhaps the most significant reason that Lake Forest has enjoyed excellent governance for so long. They seek, vet and select candidates to volunteer for over 100 City board and commission appointments by the Mayor. The Caucus Committee also recruits, vets and nominates consensus candidates for elected positions on the City Council and our School Boards. Without the Caucus, which is currently under life threatening attack from external political forces, our government would be led by self-selected, likely partisan operators with agendas, interests and obligations outside of simply doing what is right for Lake Forest as a whole.
I never asked to be, nor promoted myself, to be your Mayor. Neither did Randy Tack. Like me, Randy was asked if he would like to be considered by the Caucus Committee to become their Mayoral candidate. Like me, he had to think about it for a while, but decided he could do the job if selected, and was willing to make the necessary sacrifices in service to his beloved community. It has never been about us. It’s always been about doing the right thing for our small town. No agendas, no litmus tests, no favors asked or received.
Ultimately, Randy was the candidate selected to run for Mayor by our forty three elected representatives on the Caucus Committee. His opponent was not selected, and has reacted by taking actions, at great cost to all, that are intended to de-legitimize and defeat the Caucus system and our City Government, and bring partisan electioneering to our town. These are critical institutions that have had a powerful role in making Lake Forest the wonderful community that it is. We must not let this succeed.
I worked with Randy closely on the City Council for several years. He is a leader who thinks about things clearly and carefully. When he speaks people listen. They are often persuaded of the wisdom of his thoughts and ideas. Moreover, he follows through with clear plans of action and is willing to take the lead on whatever effort is agreed upon, hands-on, and bring the project to a timely and successful conclusion. He makes the commitment and gets the job done. This has been demonstrated in his leadership of the Public Works Committee, the Fire Vision 2000 task force, and his current work leading the CBD Comprehensive Plan working group, not to mention his outstanding career leading one of our most prominent regional medical practices while also being a dedicated physician to many Lake Foresters.
Randy Tack is clearly the right choice for Mayor. I support the Caucus system, and will vote for Randy. I urge all Lake Foresters to do likewise in order to keep Lake Forest moving in the right direction.
George Pandaleon
Mayor of Lake Forest