Cathy Waldeck supports Dr. Tack
As a lifelong Lake Forest resident who had the privilege of serving three-terms as First Ward Alderman on City Council, I care deeply about our community and its future.
Cathy Waldeck
Over the last few months a lot of news about the Lake Forest Caucus and mayoral election has circulated. These headlines compel me to convey my thoughts, specifically related to the upcoming mayoral election.
I was elected to the Lake Forest City Council as a Caucus slated candidate, as were the exceptional individuals with whom I served. We were all truly independent and focused on serving the best interests of the community as a whole. Of course, as Caucus candidates we were also non-partisan and non-agenda driven. This is a critical component to the success of Lake Forest civic government.
One City Council colleague with whom I worked closely was Dr. Stanford “Randy” Tack. I know Randy on both a professional and personal basis, as we have been friends for nearly twenty years. Hence, I feel uniquely qualified to comment on why Randy is the best mayoral candidate and why the Lake Forest Caucus slated him. I recently shared my thoughts on my experiences serving on City Council and working with Randy on the Lake Forest Podcast. You can listen HERE.
Randy distinguished himself on City Council as an expert problem solver with impressive analytical skills. He has the ability to “think outside the box” and generate innovative solutions for complex issues. Randy is also a true consensus builder, inspiring others to see things his way through the power of his logic and reasoning. Randy never brought personal agendas or ambitions to his City Council role. His sole aim is always to serve the best interests of the community, not to further his own political aspirations or advance the causes of special interest groups.
Randy always focused on thoughtful development. In other words, on preserving our heritage and what makes Lake Forest a “very special place”, while recognizing the need to grow and stay vibrant and attractive for future generations of Lake Foresters. I very much enjoyed discussing the variety of issues facing our city with Randy. He always worked collaboratively with me and other City Council members, as well as city staff, to find the best possible solution for our residents. While we did not always see eye to eye, he always listened thoughtfully and respected my opinions. Personally, I know Randy to be a kind, caring, and compassionate individual who genuinely enjoys helping others, as befits someone in his profession.
Most of my former City Council colleagues and I maintain a deep respect for our Caucus system. This system has impressively served our community for nearly one hundred years. The 43 elected Caucus members hail from all four wards of our city and represent a true cross-section of our community. After an extensive search, multiple interviews, and thoughtful deliberation they decided Randy Tack is the best candidate to serve Lake Forest. I heartily agree. Please join me in supporting and voting for my colleague and friend, Dr. Stanford “Randy” Tack for Mayor of Lake Forest.
Catherine Waldeck
Former First Ward Alderman
Lake Forest City Council